Thursday, October 23, 2008

Playing around with SW2009

I just found something that I hadn't read or seen concerning SolidWorks 2009.  Under VIEW you will see a new entry call WORKSPACE.  Here you will find picks for Default, Widescreen & Dual Monitor.  Clicking on Widescreen gives you a vertical command manager.  This makes more efficient use of the widescreen monitors that seem to be the norm now.  Check it out!

Have you seen something new in 2009 that you didn't know about?  Lets get some posting going to share what we learn...

1 comment:

  1. I'll get it started. In the Property Tab Builder how do you do conditionals? What I mean is this: If the user selects Stainless Steel from a 'material' list I would like to limit the picks from the 'alloy' list to just those that would be relevant. I think I saw Steve do this in his demonstration or was it a video but I just don't see how to do it and the help button doesn't work in the tab builder program.
