Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SolidWorks & Weight Watchers?

SolidWorks & Weight Watchers?

I first started doing the CAD work at Byers sometime in 1988. Since that time I’ve seen my weight continually creep upward. As I reflect back on this I see that this was due to two things, inactivity and snacking while I work. When I was out on the shop floor running a press brake and doing manual sheet metal layout I was always on the move. Snacking while I worked was out of the question because my hands pretty much stayed a varying degree of filthy. But as I spent more and more time in front of the CRT drawing cartoons I didn’t move much of my body except for my jaw.

I say all that so that I can tell you that change is possible. This past Monday marked the one year anniversary of my wife and me starting Weight Watchers. In that year I have lost 75 lbs and went from a 44" to a 36" waist. My wives results are very similar. What changed? We started making conscious decisions about what we put in our mouths and made a point of being more active whenever we have a chance. It is important to note that losing weight was not our goal; our goal instead was to become healthier. I am pleased with the results.

A year ago I was taking blood pressure medication and Lipitor. I had to monitor my blood sugar levels on daily basis. I am now on no medication and only spot check my blood sugar occasionally.

If you’ve gotten in the ‘rut’ I was in; not eating properly, not getting any exercise then you might want to give Weight Watchers a try. They have the tools and motivation you need. There are no ‘special’ foods or equipment required. You don’t count calories, carbs or fat grams, you count points. Every food has a point value that is based on a ratio of calories, fat and fiber. Of course portion size is important but there are plenty of things with 0 points that you can fill up on. I can truly say that I’ve never felt hungry while on the plan. I’ve had cravings from time to time but never truly hungry. My doctor says that his patients have tried them all, and year in and year out Weight Watchers is the most effective at getting the weight off and keeping it off.

And by the way, I have 14 more pounds to lose to reach my goal weight.


  1. Jeff, thanks for sharing that experience. I've also put on weight with sitting in front of the tube all day. Working at home also adds some challenge because the fridge is always there.

    Best of luck with the rest of it!

  2. I used to gain 2 pounds a year. I stopped doing to things: 1) Drinking soda during the day, except for lunch...but even then I don't drink it every day anymore; 2) I do not snack during the day at all except once in a blue month when someone brings in some freebies.

    Now, I've pretty stable without working out, though I know I'm slowing losing muscule mass in favor of some addition of fat over the long run. I found i was eating and drinking through out the day as a matter of habit and not for some real hunger or need. Best of luck with your effects!

  3. Jeff, have had trouble getting my posts to post. Simply wanted to say congrats on the weight loss. Wanted to say something at the last meeting but there is never enough time. Keep up the good work. And Jeff...thanks for doing this BLOG. This is one more place to go to hear "real people" experiences with SW.
    Wes Cobb
