Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Power of a Blog

The Power of a Blog

If you follow Matt’s Blog you have seen the power blogging at its best. What is ‘Power Blogging’? It is blogging that causes change. Matt voiced an opinion about a SolidWorks Corporation practice, we commented, SolidWorks listened and the practice was changed. As Matt points out it wasn’t necessarily only what he wrote but the reaction from us, his readers and users of the software.

You might have seen on the news in the last few days about the woman’s blog that tells all the crimes her ex-husband committed while in the armed forces. I also read that somewhere about a blog being shutdown by lawsuits from a party named in the blog.

If you listen to Twit (This Week in Tech) you have heard the panelists discussing the validity of blogs as reliable news sources. And recently it’s been all about Twitter which is blogging on a minute by minute basis. Is the information presented in blogs to be taken as news, opinions or entertainment?

To pull all these thoughts together I have but one comment; as bloggers we need to use this new found power responsibility, and as readers we need to carefully glean what we read separating fact from fiction and rants from legitimate concerns.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug!

    As for should we take blogs for news, opinion or entertainment, I think the same question should be applied to the professional press. News stories often miss the point, and give the facts from a very skewed perspective.
