Monday, May 19, 2008

Base Extrude Sketch Visibility

Base Extrude Sketch Visibility

What’s going on here? Is this a new feature in SW2008 or just a bug and can we really tell the difference between the two?

On both of the installs here the visibility of the base extrude's sketch toggles on by itself. We will turn if off and then a few steps down the road it will back on again. This is really annoying when you have an assembly of several parts and they are all performing this feature (I’m sure it’s not a bug) seemingly at random.

My question to the readers of this is: Are we the only ones experiencing this handy new feature? If not, has anyone found a way to keep this from happening?

After last weeks user group meeting I was left with the feeling that I’ve been missing out on some functionality available in SolidWorks just because of my failure to embrace 3D sketches. I just started reading the SolidWorks Surfacing and Complex Shape Modeling Bible; it is my hope that when I get to Chapter 4 a light bulb will turn on and I’ll finally feel comfortable with the concept. How do you rate your 3D sketch comprehension? See the new poll…


  1. I have never seen this happen, not even in 2008.

  2. I thought i was the only one going mad! Yes it happens to me. SW2008. SP3.1

  3. Yes, it's always good to know that you're not the only one going mad! We are also on SP3.1 but I think it has been there since SP0. Are you per chance doing sheet metal parts when you experience this new feature?


  4. Yes sheet metal parts as well.
