Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pallet Forming Tools

An underutilized feature of SolidWorks by me is the “Pallet Forming Tools”. I have modified the ‘standard’ tools that ship with SolidWorks into the tools we have in our shop and in the modification process is where I have difficulty. We did take the available training at our VAR when we first switched over to SolidWorks but of course the current version of SolidWorks was 2001+ and I would suppose that a few changes have been made. But as I said I have modified some of the shipped tools into something we can use. The process is always trial and error. I make the changes I think need to be made and then insert the tool onto a part and see what happens. Here is the part that I have a problem with, if I see I need to make more changes and make them they are not reflected on the tool I already inserted. I have to delete the form tool and then insert it again. Am I wrong on this? Maybe this has been changed or maybe I just don’t know what I’m doing. I would think that somehow they be associated and update as such.

An update for anyone who interested in my weight loss attempt; I am now an official Weight Watcher Lifetime member. I reached my goal weight and maintained it for 6 weeks. Actually I’m having difficulty not losing any more weight… (I never thought I’d be typing that in my lifetime.) Was it worth it? I can say with a resounding YES it was. I feel much better, have more energy and don’t have the need to Lipitor or hypertension medication any longer. People will tell me that I’m looking good and I respond, “No I’m looking thinner…I’m still ugly!”

1 comment:

  1. I have been an official Weight Watcher Lifetime member for 2 years now i lost over 30 kilos and i can eat almost anything i want! Im so happy you reached your goal weight! i have 10 kilos to go! Wish me luck!
    Additionally, I am really happy for you because i know how it feels and its great when you feel better! I gained 10 kilos on a long vacation and i felt tired, and un-energetic constantly. This i can say has turned my life, and my personality around.
    Haha! and im loving your response! mind if i try it out?

    Wonderful post Jeff!
